- Hexagram = 41/77 : 4
0/139 : 432/462 - Seal of Solomon = 53/161 : 64/19
0: 502/966 - Star of David = 47/119 : 7
0/178 : 1045/714
6 represents:
6 is the perfect number within the decad: 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers. It symbolizes:
6 is the symbol of:
- Equilibrium
- Harmony
- Balance
6 is the perfect number within the decad: 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers. It symbolizes:
- Union of polarity
- The hermaphrodite being represented by the two interlaced triangles:
- The upward- pointing as male, fire and the heavens.
- The downward-pointing as female, the waters and the earth.
6 is the symbol of:
- Luck
- Love
- Health
- Beauty
- Chance
It is a winning number at the throw of the dice in the West. There are:
- 6 rays of the solar wheel
- 6 interlaced triangles
- 6 pointed stars on:
- Geometrically as the hexagram
- Seal of Solomon:
- Thelema
- Church of Satan:
- “Do What Thou Wilt.”
- Star of David
- Merkabah
- 6 Represents the male energy, the soul of man and the macrocosm of God.
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